Friday, April 23, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 4

So my Day 4 is a little late... I got a little off track but I'll try and catch up:)
Day 4 would be Wednesday--my day to work the day shift. Our day usually starts out hectic and hurried and this morning, like many others, was no different.

5:45am--Alarm goes off and, once again, is snoozed until the very last second before panic of not getting ready in time sets in. While getting ready, T wanders sleepily in then proceeds to be as grouchy as possible until getting sprayed by silly string. Then the day can continue on the right foot. It's amazing how something so little can change their mood.

7:10--Out the door with Tate, Miss J, M and all of their school accessories. Drop all the kids off at their respective schools and head to work

8-4--Filling prescriptons......

4:01p--Leave Walgreens and go pick up the kids at Countryhome. We have to run home for a quick clothes change and then back in the car to get T's haircut. J is working at a Fiesta event downtown, NIOSA (Night in Old San Antonio), with some friends so the 3 us stop at Panera Bread for dinner. Yay!

7:00p--We (or should I say I) work on T's Fiesta float that needs to be done for his parade at school the next day. We finally get it done and I think it looks pretty good. He is happy and mommy is happy to have it done!
8:45pm--Kiddos finally in bed after much resistance but are out like lights once they actually stop. I am all too happy to sit down and watch Modern Family but was sad when it was a rerun--oh well, Glee will have to do. I was so tired after the day, I had to rewind the one episode I watched 4 times because I kept falling asleep. No wonder I didn't get any blogging done:) Until tomorrow...

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