Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 5

And on to Thursday...Day 5! Today is a big Fiesta day. Each April, San Antonio celebrate Fiesta, an 11 day celebration which started in 1891, with a parade to honor the heros of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto. It has become a huge celebration and they even let schools out on the Friday of Fiesta on the day of the Battle of the Flowers parade, the largest parade of Fiesta. Anyway, today is a party day at T's school. Not only is it a Fiesta party but the school's sport and spirit day where they have different stations set up around the gym and outside area with different activities. So, with that background, here is my day!

5:30am--Alarm goes off nice and early so I can catch up on my daily blog since I missed doing it the night before...well, that didn't happen. Then, about 6:15pm, the words you never want to hear from a child first thing in the morning--"Mommy, my pants are wet"--Fabulous..False alarm, we had just a tiny accident and the bedding was saved. Yay! That was enough to get us all up.

7:15am--Out the door with float, pinata stuffers, and camera in tow. Pick up Miss J and head to school. Walk T to his classroom with his float, then ran M to her school. Forgot to put the trash out and grab my phone so I had to make a quick run home.

8:00am--Make it back to T's school just in time for his Fiesta parade. Then it was the kindergartens time for their "sports day". I walked around (even participated in the sack race) with T and his 5th grade "buddy" who was helping him with the activities. After snow cones, nachos, and face painting, he headed back to class.

10:10am--I had to work the juice booth handing out CapriSun for the next session of kids. By now, it was getting colder and colder and a nice drizzle had formed. Ughh and I left my jacket at home.

10:45am--They finally called all the students inside for lunch due to the rain. So some other moms and I decided to take this opportunity to catch up on girl talk and go to lunch ourselves. After a quick break at Papa Nachos, we head back to our duties.

12:40pm--I sneak out a few minutes early to run home and let a not-so-happy dog inside because she's had to be out in the rain... and grab that jacket.

1:00pm--Help 22 kindergarteners make pinatas, crowns, flowers, hats, and sopapillas.
2:30pm--Take one tired kiddo and one tired mommy to pick up M and then home. While the kids chill out with a little TV, I start to pick up a disaster of a house. I'm not quite sure how it got that way seeing that we haven't even been home. Maybe Bella did it??

6:00pm--One of our favorite babysitters came over followed shortly by C and S and the kids were off never to be seen again...meanwhile, N, J, J, and I were out the door to celebrate and battle the crowds at another annual fiesta tradition, NIOSA (Night in Old San Antonio), downtown.
11:00pm--After stuffed mushrooms, cowboy klopse, fajitas, tortillas, corn dogs, chile on cucumbers, steer on a stick, Mr. Chicken, shrimp poboys, margaritas, sangria, apple wontons, and banana splits (which threw any attempt of a HI diet out the window), we rolled into bed with another fun filled NIOSA night under our belts. I was so full, I couldn't even blog:) And yes, we really ate all of that and then some!

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