Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 1

My good friend, Jill, has a fun website,, that specializes in girlfriends and being social. What fabulous ideas she has! Last week, she documented the ins and outs her week (check out her blog section of the website) which I found so interesting and entertaining, just to see what goes on in other people lives...maybe, I'm just nosey, which would explain my obsession with Facebook:) Anyway, she wanted me to do a week in my life, so I will try hard to keep up and document our crazy lives!

7:00am--Awake to the sound of pitter pattering feet coming into our room, glancing at the clock thinking the morning came way to soon. Then, another set of feet came which led to our bed doubling in bodies all in the matter of 5 minutes. Enjoyed the few minutes of giggling before the dog realized everyone was awake which meant someone (J) should be up giving her a walk. Her continuous barking led that someone out of bed which everyone else soon followed.
After coffee, OJ, Sunday morning paper/ad reading, chocolate chip pancakes, a cleaning of the kitchen and getting the laundry started, the day had officially begun.

11:00am--Head out for a quick, kidless grocery store run before T's teeball game. Was quite entertained at the how busy the grocery store was and that everyone was in a hurry. Literally, almost ran into a friend in the meat section, and we laughed at the hustle and bustle, will see her shortly at the same teeball game.

1pm--Out the door to Ts teeball game where J is coaching today. Watched the cutest 5 yo olds play teeball and then load up on snow cones afterward. Love the league T is in because it is basically social hour. We see neighbors and friends and enjoy the afternoon at the ball park.

3pm--Drag one tired family to the mall for some quick returns and ice cream before heading home where everyone gladly sinks into the couch, except for me, which takes this time to pick up toys, sort mail, fold laundry, get dinner ready and start to prepare dinner for tomorrow. I love to make Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup but it's quite time consuming. It only happens about once or twice a year that I actually plan for it and today was one of them. Yay!

6:45pm--Sit down for a quick dinner then out the door for a walk around the neighborhood with L. We are both going to HI in May and are convinced power walking is the answer to a swimsuit body--we'll let you know how it goes! The great conversation makes time go quickly and arrive back home with clean, PJ'd kids ready for bed.

8pm--After just 1 book, both exhausted kiddos are snuggled in their beds and by 8:15 are, uncharacteristically, asleep. Yay for us! Now, it's my turn to sink into the couch, do a little blogging and watch the CMA Awards! Brad Paisley is pretty cute:)

See you tomorrow!

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