Monday, April 26, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 7

My last day....started off that way a Saturday should...with no alarm clock!

7:15 am--We woke up with no announcements of any sort, which is also how a morning should start. I was actually surprised that I slept all night..We were supposed to have a big storm with hail come through the night. J and I stuffed, yes stuffed, our car into the garage. If anyone has seen our garage and my car, you know what I mean, just in case we did get hail. T thought this was quite funny and had to go check it out after we mentioned the car was in the garage. I wish I had gotten a picture. Anyway, the storm must have not been as big as they thought..the morning came without any interruptions.

8:10am--Out the door for T's teeball game. It was a beautiful, cool morning for a game with nice, wet bleachers. Note to self to remember a towel to sit on for the next morning game. T was invited to a friend's house after the game to play so after a sno cone, J, M and I headed home.
10:00am--Cleaned the house, made lists, started laundry, helped M with a puzzle while J made a Lowe's run #1

1:00pm--Picked up T and headed for Lowe's run #2. J was working on the flower beds in the front yard and need mulch and flowers. Stopped at Chick-Fil-A for a chocolate shake treat.

3:00pm--After Lowe's run#3, swimsuits were on for some slip n sliding while J worked on the front yard. I was being quite helpful with my Health magazine and camera in hand, sitting in my lawnchair supervising the kiddos. It was a beautiful day!
6:30pm--After the afternoon flew by, take out seemed to be the only dinner option. With the kids still in their swimsuits and playing in the front yard, I ran up the road to one of our favorite sushi restaurants, Yummi, to pick up some sushi and chicken fried rice. Yummy!
8:30pm--Kids bathed and tucked in for the 3rd night..together..I guess the must like each other a little bit or the trundle that has been pulled out from under T's bed since Thursday. J and I have a date night on the couch and watch good!

11:00pm--And we call it a day! What a relaxing and much needed day!!

So, that is a little glimpse of my week! It kind of wore my out just typing it:) Until next time..

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