Saturday, March 7, 2009

No Training Wheels!

This week we saw a picture of Tate's friend, Grant Bottorff, riding his bike with no training wheels. Tate saw the picture and said "I can do that." That day he and his little friend next door got out the wrench and were going to take the training wheels off themselves. After convincing them that raising them up would do for now, Tate still wanted to try. This afternoon, Jason took him out and took off the training wheels. After a long talk on "it's ok if you fall..practice makes perfect..don't get can do it", they were off. After about 30 minutes and no falls, he was riding by himself and even ditched the elbow and knee pads. Way to go Tate!!


  1. woo hooo!!!! what great photos-- that last one is adorable! hope all is well! ta ta!

  2. I love it!! Look at Tate. I remember holding him when he was just born...
