I have to admit, I'm totally addicted to reading blogs. I'm not sure what it is but everyone's lives seem so interesting. I also realized that I feel like I've stayed in contact with people that I don't have a chance to call or keep in touch, hence, if I only had time..... So I decided to join the club and make a blog. Not only for our out-of-town friends and family to see how big our kiddos are getting but more for me to pay attention to the small details of each day--the funny things that are said, the games we play, the craziness our lives are each day. With a now 4 year old, I wonder where the time has gone and hope I wouldn't forget the small details. I may not blog everyday:) but will try and share our funny quotes and pictures of the day!

Tate getting ready for his first soccer practice
Maren wants to join the team too
Hey lady! Great that you are doing this. Your kids are getting so big. I hope we can see each other sometime soon. Take Care!