Tate's first day of kindergarten was on Monday! He had informed me the day before that he doesn't go to school on Mondays because he didn't at Preschool. Oops, did I forget to mention that this is a full time thing? After a pretty easy wake-up, getting dressed and eating breakfast, we got some first day pictures, went over getting on the bus in the afternoon and we were off. We are carpooling with our neighbors because the bus pickup is at a crazy 6:35am when school doesn't start until 7:45. So since the school is 5 min away, it makes more sense to take them. We picked up Jordyn and headed to school. The discussion was whether to drop them off or take them in, in which, both of them said to drop off but when we got there and EVERYONE was going in, we parked and walked in together. Good thing, the place was packed with people. We made our way to the cafeteria where the kinder and 1st graders meet, found each class and then the clinging started. Tate had been so good and then, when he realized he was staying, clung onto my leg and wasn't letting go. Finally, I got him to sit with his class and Maren and I stood in the back to make sure he got to his class OK. After his teacher came and got the class and they marched down the hall to the classroom, someone mentioned they were reading a book in the room and it was for the parents, too. The kids were sitting on the floor and we listened to a cute book about being scared the first day of school and the kids were to hand out a heart to their moms and dads. That is when Tate lost it, poor guy. His teacher came over and talked with him as we left. I don't think it lasted long but I was hoping for an easier exit.
After we got in the car, I have to admit I was sad and I realized it wasn't about him going t0 school but the fact that my little guy is getting so big that he doesn't need me to do everything for him anymore. He is now big enough to make decisions on his own. Where did the time go??
I'm so excited for him to learn new things and, I'm sure he will love it! I could hardly wait until he got home.
I was a little worried about him getting off the bus. He is being picked up by his after school daycare 3 times a week and riding the bus home 2 times a week and, as much as I trusted them to get him on the right one, I still hoped he was on the bus. Everyone got off except Tate. I popped on the bus and he is still sitting there. I guess I forgot to tell him that the bus didn't drop him off at his house:) He had lots of stories to tell and was so excited about his day!
So the second day has come. Maren can't stop taking about how she wants to go to kindergarten and that she is a big girl and wants to ride the bus like Tate. Slow down, girl, I can't take my babies getting any bigger! We dropped Tate and Jordyn off at the drop off. Tate got out, gave me a kiss and was off. Didn't even look back. I'm not sure which was harder. He is a big boy now!