Monday, January 3, 2011

365 Project: Day 1

So, it's been 8 month hiatus, but I'm back and copying ideas, again! One of my friends started this project and I have seen it done before, thought it was a great idea but never did it. So...with her motivation, I'm going to give it a try. I do love to take pictures of just about everything, mostly because if I didn't I would forget 99% of what we do and I love to look back on them. It's amazing to see how little the kids were and how big they have gotten. I'm way behind on my picture organization and, with the new year, it's always a time for resolutions. Hopefully this will help! Here starts a picture a day (and I'm already 3 days late)...for 365 days!

1 comment:

  1. you're brave. I can't commit to something like that. Good luck!!
