Monday, April 26, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 7

My last day....started off that way a Saturday should...with no alarm clock!

7:15 am--We woke up with no announcements of any sort, which is also how a morning should start. I was actually surprised that I slept all night..We were supposed to have a big storm with hail come through the night. J and I stuffed, yes stuffed, our car into the garage. If anyone has seen our garage and my car, you know what I mean, just in case we did get hail. T thought this was quite funny and had to go check it out after we mentioned the car was in the garage. I wish I had gotten a picture. Anyway, the storm must have not been as big as they thought..the morning came without any interruptions.

8:10am--Out the door for T's teeball game. It was a beautiful, cool morning for a game with nice, wet bleachers. Note to self to remember a towel to sit on for the next morning game. T was invited to a friend's house after the game to play so after a sno cone, J, M and I headed home.
10:00am--Cleaned the house, made lists, started laundry, helped M with a puzzle while J made a Lowe's run #1

1:00pm--Picked up T and headed for Lowe's run #2. J was working on the flower beds in the front yard and need mulch and flowers. Stopped at Chick-Fil-A for a chocolate shake treat.

3:00pm--After Lowe's run#3, swimsuits were on for some slip n sliding while J worked on the front yard. I was being quite helpful with my Health magazine and camera in hand, sitting in my lawnchair supervising the kiddos. It was a beautiful day!
6:30pm--After the afternoon flew by, take out seemed to be the only dinner option. With the kids still in their swimsuits and playing in the front yard, I ran up the road to one of our favorite sushi restaurants, Yummi, to pick up some sushi and chicken fried rice. Yummy!
8:30pm--Kids bathed and tucked in for the 3rd night..together..I guess the must like each other a little bit or the trundle that has been pulled out from under T's bed since Thursday. J and I have a date night on the couch and watch good!

11:00pm--And we call it a day! What a relaxing and much needed day!!

So, that is a little glimpse of my week! It kind of wore my out just typing it:) Until next time..

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 6

I can do this, I can do this! It's hard to keep up
Friday, Day 6...

6:12am--We, once again, woke to the littlest one. This time saying "Where am I?" We had to chuckle even at the early hour seeing it was sleep-in day. M slept in T's room and guess she got a little confused when she woke up. As I quickly went to get her before she started crying and waking up the rest of the house, she came back to our bed for a little snuggling for another hour. Yay! Finally, a morning to sleep in! Due to the Battle of the Flowers holiday, T had the day off of school. He was enjoying catching up on his morning cartoons just as much as I was drinking coffee and reading the paper without being in a rush.

8:45am--By now, we had to pick up the pace. M has her Fiesta parade at her school at 10am. Getting them both dressed and out the door seemed a little bit like pouring molasses but we finally got there.

10am--Dropped M, willingly, which is the key word because it usually isn't, off at her classroom so I could join T, who found a friend to sit with, outside to wait for the parade. After chatting with a friend, the adorable parade started. They were all too cute! M, surprising, yelled "See ya later, momma" on her second pass by. We had explained on the way to school that she needed to stay and eat lunch and take a nap while we ran errands. She, I guess, didn't have a problem with that like I thought she would. Excellent!
10:30am--Went and got a car wash. T and I walked next door to Sonic to get an early lunch cuz he was "hungry". OK, didn't we just have breakfast? We ran to Target, Blockbuster to rent a requested Incredibles, HEB and finally home.
12:00pm--T watched his movie while I sat with him and caught up on email and some blogging...maybe caught a few zzzzz's. Aah, what a relaxing afternoon.

2:30pm--Had to go pick up M at school to get her ready for dance.

3:45pm--Dance time--Watched one cute little dancer practice her routine for her June recital. She is getting the hang of it.
5:00pm--Pull into the neighborhood and notice some friends outside playing (BTW, it is a beautiful, hot, 90 degree day). T & M want to play outside so we head down to their house and play in the sprinkler while I relax with my tea and chat with my friends. How nice it is to have such great neighbors especially on a Friday night with nothing to do!

6:30pm--J comes home and we drag the kids inside to get dinner ready. It's such a beautiful night that the kids play outside while we grill out and then eat on the patio. The summer days are upon us. We try and make the evening as simple as possible...less clean up:)

8:30pm--Kids bathed, books read and asleep..together..again. Spurs vs Mavs game starts as we settle down to watch it.
11:00pm--Spurs win!!! Good Night!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 5

And on to Thursday...Day 5! Today is a big Fiesta day. Each April, San Antonio celebrate Fiesta, an 11 day celebration which started in 1891, with a parade to honor the heros of the Alamo and the Battle of San Jacinto. It has become a huge celebration and they even let schools out on the Friday of Fiesta on the day of the Battle of the Flowers parade, the largest parade of Fiesta. Anyway, today is a party day at T's school. Not only is it a Fiesta party but the school's sport and spirit day where they have different stations set up around the gym and outside area with different activities. So, with that background, here is my day!

5:30am--Alarm goes off nice and early so I can catch up on my daily blog since I missed doing it the night before...well, that didn't happen. Then, about 6:15pm, the words you never want to hear from a child first thing in the morning--"Mommy, my pants are wet"--Fabulous..False alarm, we had just a tiny accident and the bedding was saved. Yay! That was enough to get us all up.

7:15am--Out the door with float, pinata stuffers, and camera in tow. Pick up Miss J and head to school. Walk T to his classroom with his float, then ran M to her school. Forgot to put the trash out and grab my phone so I had to make a quick run home.

8:00am--Make it back to T's school just in time for his Fiesta parade. Then it was the kindergartens time for their "sports day". I walked around (even participated in the sack race) with T and his 5th grade "buddy" who was helping him with the activities. After snow cones, nachos, and face painting, he headed back to class.

10:10am--I had to work the juice booth handing out CapriSun for the next session of kids. By now, it was getting colder and colder and a nice drizzle had formed. Ughh and I left my jacket at home.

10:45am--They finally called all the students inside for lunch due to the rain. So some other moms and I decided to take this opportunity to catch up on girl talk and go to lunch ourselves. After a quick break at Papa Nachos, we head back to our duties.

12:40pm--I sneak out a few minutes early to run home and let a not-so-happy dog inside because she's had to be out in the rain... and grab that jacket.

1:00pm--Help 22 kindergarteners make pinatas, crowns, flowers, hats, and sopapillas.
2:30pm--Take one tired kiddo and one tired mommy to pick up M and then home. While the kids chill out with a little TV, I start to pick up a disaster of a house. I'm not quite sure how it got that way seeing that we haven't even been home. Maybe Bella did it??

6:00pm--One of our favorite babysitters came over followed shortly by C and S and the kids were off never to be seen again...meanwhile, N, J, J, and I were out the door to celebrate and battle the crowds at another annual fiesta tradition, NIOSA (Night in Old San Antonio), downtown.
11:00pm--After stuffed mushrooms, cowboy klopse, fajitas, tortillas, corn dogs, chile on cucumbers, steer on a stick, Mr. Chicken, shrimp poboys, margaritas, sangria, apple wontons, and banana splits (which threw any attempt of a HI diet out the window), we rolled into bed with another fun filled NIOSA night under our belts. I was so full, I couldn't even blog:) And yes, we really ate all of that and then some!

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 4

So my Day 4 is a little late... I got a little off track but I'll try and catch up:)
Day 4 would be Wednesday--my day to work the day shift. Our day usually starts out hectic and hurried and this morning, like many others, was no different.

5:45am--Alarm goes off and, once again, is snoozed until the very last second before panic of not getting ready in time sets in. While getting ready, T wanders sleepily in then proceeds to be as grouchy as possible until getting sprayed by silly string. Then the day can continue on the right foot. It's amazing how something so little can change their mood.

7:10--Out the door with Tate, Miss J, M and all of their school accessories. Drop all the kids off at their respective schools and head to work

8-4--Filling prescriptons......

4:01p--Leave Walgreens and go pick up the kids at Countryhome. We have to run home for a quick clothes change and then back in the car to get T's haircut. J is working at a Fiesta event downtown, NIOSA (Night in Old San Antonio), with some friends so the 3 us stop at Panera Bread for dinner. Yay!

7:00p--We (or should I say I) work on T's Fiesta float that needs to be done for his parade at school the next day. We finally get it done and I think it looks pretty good. He is happy and mommy is happy to have it done!
8:45pm--Kiddos finally in bed after much resistance but are out like lights once they actually stop. I am all too happy to sit down and watch Modern Family but was sad when it was a rerun--oh well, Glee will have to do. I was so tired after the day, I had to rewind the one episode I watched 4 times because I kept falling asleep. No wonder I didn't get any blogging done:) Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 3

Wow! 3 days in a row.. I think it's a record! Day 3 would be my see-how-fast-you-can-get-a-million-things-before-leaving-for-work-day!

6:10am--Once again, the alarm goes off way too early. I now realize I have a child in between me and the alarm clock so I have to half way wake up to reach across him to the snooze button. And repeat that about 5 times until finally another one joins us and they started arguing of who gets to be in the middle. I settle the debate my announcing that we HAVE to get up or someone will be late for school..After whining over everything from the clothes we are wearing to why we have to eat strawberries for breakfast, we are out the door on time! Pick up Miss J and get them dropped off a school safe and sound.

8:30am--After a quick breakfast, shower, Miss M dressed and her blanket, pillow and backpack collected for her school, we drop her off and I head to a 9am follow up ENT appointment for an enlarged lymph node. Everything looks good and am out of the office by 9:15a! I'm not sure I've been in and out of a MD office so fast. Excellent!

10:00am--Head downtown in search of a replica of the Alamo for Tate's Fiesta Float for school-didn't think it would be too hard since we do live in San Antonio. Not realizing there was a fiesta event going on in Market Square, which is a block downtown with authentic Mexician restaurants and shops, I pay $10 to park and proceed on my mission. It was very festive down there and was fun to be there to see it all. After about 50 little tricket shops and no Alamo, I grab a chicken taco at a booth and decide I could attempt to make one at home. So I head home to be crafty.
11:30am--Power pick up the house, finish putting up laundry, dishes and toys and sit down in the office to catch up on emails and package up some ebay packages for some items I had sold on ebay. Work on trying to make an Alamo..not bad..hopefully Tate will like it.

1:30pm--Off to fill prescriptions

10:30pm--After a quick late night snack after getting home from work, I sink into the couch to catch up on Facebook, blogs and do a little blogging myself:) And now I need to call it a day, tomorrow will be here before we know it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 2

I made it back for Day 2! Today is my catch up day--laundry, get toys to their proper homes, errands,.......
6:10 am--Carrie Underwood wakes me up but quickly gets snoozed until 6:40 when I actually have to roll out of bed to get T ready for school. To my surprise, I hear the TV on downstairs on the way to his room and which meant he was already up! I sigh in relief that I didn't have to wake him then realized J had a 9am meeting in SA which would mean M could stay at home with him while I took T to school. Yay! The day has started off on the right foot!

7:12 am--Out the door, with coffee in hand, to take T to school. Pick up Miss J, our first grade neighbor, who we car pool with and it's my week to take the kiddos. Came home to M, who is watching the traditional, Dora the Explorer. After sending J off and reading the paper, super speed mode kicks in--8 hours until T gets home!

7:50 am--Found T's library book that was due today.......

9:00 am--3 loads of laundry down, clean dishes put away and dishwasher reloaded, off to the office to work on some projects that keep lingering around. One has been M's crib that has been in our garage for a year. I finally sent an email out to our neighborhood Yahoo group to see if anyone wanted to buy it, 2 minutes later--SOLD! Why do I put these things off??

12:30 pm--After a quick lunch, M and I head out (2 hours late) to do errands, which means Lifetime will get put off for another day. After Costco, bank, Petsmart, Ulta and Michaels, we are finally on our way home to put up laundry before picking T up at the bus stop.

4:30 pm--Start putting dinner together while trying to figure out Ts Fiesta float for the Kindergarten parade on Thurs. Burn myself on the hot glue gun--Nice! After explaining to M that you can't eat sugar right out of the jar, we head to teeball practice. With still one million things to get done and it was quite chilly, M and I leave T with J and go home. We finish preparing dinner and read a few books which turned into a tea party before the other 2 come home.

7:00pm--Finish dinner and carefully help T glue flowers to his float. Along comes M who burns herself on the stinking glue gun--ughhh! Nothing a Princess and the Frog bandaid can't fix. Take one antsy dog on a walk while J gets the kiddos PJ's on. They, at some point in the day and I'm not sure when, decided to put every stuffed animal they own into their beds and the guest room bed and had them tucked in under the covers, so we spent a good while trying to return them ALL to their respective rooms. Really?? Finally, after books and prayers, kissed 2 tired kiddos goodnight.

8:45pm--Aaaah, now to my date with the Wii fit. Miss personal trainer was way to perky for 9pm. After some hula hooping, I joined J, who was already sound asleep, on the couch to watch

I'm trying to catch up to the new season that started last week and I'm still 5 epidsodes behind. My neighbor loaned me hers after trying to rent it at Blockbuster, which was out of it. Yay for great neighbors! I am speed watching (imagine that) them to get caught up. They are so growing on me! I can't wait to start the new season!

10:45pm--Well, with the dryer still running and dishwasher on, I now am offically exhausted and am calling it a night!! Until tomorrow....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Little Glimpse of my Week...Day 1

My good friend, Jill, has a fun website,, that specializes in girlfriends and being social. What fabulous ideas she has! Last week, she documented the ins and outs her week (check out her blog section of the website) which I found so interesting and entertaining, just to see what goes on in other people lives...maybe, I'm just nosey, which would explain my obsession with Facebook:) Anyway, she wanted me to do a week in my life, so I will try hard to keep up and document our crazy lives!

7:00am--Awake to the sound of pitter pattering feet coming into our room, glancing at the clock thinking the morning came way to soon. Then, another set of feet came which led to our bed doubling in bodies all in the matter of 5 minutes. Enjoyed the few minutes of giggling before the dog realized everyone was awake which meant someone (J) should be up giving her a walk. Her continuous barking led that someone out of bed which everyone else soon followed.
After coffee, OJ, Sunday morning paper/ad reading, chocolate chip pancakes, a cleaning of the kitchen and getting the laundry started, the day had officially begun.

11:00am--Head out for a quick, kidless grocery store run before T's teeball game. Was quite entertained at the how busy the grocery store was and that everyone was in a hurry. Literally, almost ran into a friend in the meat section, and we laughed at the hustle and bustle, will see her shortly at the same teeball game.

1pm--Out the door to Ts teeball game where J is coaching today. Watched the cutest 5 yo olds play teeball and then load up on snow cones afterward. Love the league T is in because it is basically social hour. We see neighbors and friends and enjoy the afternoon at the ball park.

3pm--Drag one tired family to the mall for some quick returns and ice cream before heading home where everyone gladly sinks into the couch, except for me, which takes this time to pick up toys, sort mail, fold laundry, get dinner ready and start to prepare dinner for tomorrow. I love to make Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup but it's quite time consuming. It only happens about once or twice a year that I actually plan for it and today was one of them. Yay!

6:45pm--Sit down for a quick dinner then out the door for a walk around the neighborhood with L. We are both going to HI in May and are convinced power walking is the answer to a swimsuit body--we'll let you know how it goes! The great conversation makes time go quickly and arrive back home with clean, PJ'd kids ready for bed.

8pm--After just 1 book, both exhausted kiddos are snuggled in their beds and by 8:15 are, uncharacteristically, asleep. Yay for us! Now, it's my turn to sink into the couch, do a little blogging and watch the CMA Awards! Brad Paisley is pretty cute:)

See you tomorrow!